The Minbie Teats and Bottles are a completely revolutionary change to the teats and bottles we were using. And I'm still sure that back in the day those were the best that were available. If I'd had this choice now, I would not have gone with the bottles, teats and dummies that I did.

Minbie Teats and Bottles – an upgrade from old school teats?

The Minbie Teats and Bottles are a completely revolutionary change to the teats and bottles we were using. And I’m still sure that back in the day those were the best that were available. If I’d had this choice now, I would not have gone with the bottles, teats and dummies that I did.

What to buy when you’re expecting – FEEDING (and dummies / pacifiers and soothers too)

Feeding (and dummies / pacifiers and soothers) Feeding comes in many shapes and forms. Whether its solely breastfeeding or formula feeding you’ll soon have to discover solids and cows milk.  There is so much to know and so many things to consider at every stage of baby and toddler days. It can be overwhelming.    I’ve […]