A Letter to My Mom – from Rev. Keith Haney

A Letter to My Mom – from Rev. Keith Haney

Dear Mom, 

As I reflect, back on your life and witness, I understand with greater clarity the lessons you taught. The things you valued in life were forged often out of the hardships you had to endure. Those things became the backbone of your character.  

You accomplished many firsts as an African American woman living in the south in the middle of a racially charged time. You broke the glass ceiling before they had a name for it.

You broke the glass ceiling before they had a name for it.

Thank you for being my biggest cheerleader. You celebrated every accomplishment. From me making the marching band, at Southern Lab. The home of the Mighty Kittens (yea I know not the toughest mascot name) or finishing third in a reading contest. We celebrated every accomplishment and every achievement. When the grandkids started college, got their first job, finished confirmation or just got a base hit in a little league baseball game, grandma was on the phone with a “big way to go.” 

Your determined spirit was passed down to your grandchildren. You demanded high achievements and rewarded effort. As I watched you struggle through life at times you never gave up. You taught me to never let any opportunity get away. Mom your motto was “never settled for what is given to you, but strive to be the very best.”

“Never settled for what is given to you, but strive to be the very best.”

Elma Haney

You understood that gravity and importance of what Dr. King and others had worked so hard to achieve. God used this southern preacher to secure your freedom to be the strong-willed and opinionated woman she was. Now we get the honor to carry on your legacy so watch out the world.

Thank you, mom, for instilling your spirit, your heart for helping the hurt and your desire to cheer others on to achieve great things. Your spirit lives on in us. To God be the Glory!

In the Service of an Awesome God,

Keith, proud son and carrier of your dreams.



More about the Rev. Keith Haney


You can read more from Rev. Keith Haney at his blog  which focuses on spiritual enlightenment. Keith hails from Illinois in the United States but you can find him online on Facebook  and Twitter. 


Follow the links below for more of the Letters in the Series. 

A Letter to My Mom by David Kobler 

A letter to My Mom from the Unexpected Dad 

A letter to My Mom by Chris Bruff 

Letters to my gemini mothers by Ruane Bester

A letter to my mom by Brad Slaughter


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