18 Powerful Parenting Tools

18 Powerful Parenting Tools to Prepare Your Kids for the World

These Powerful Parenting Tools are not my brainchild. I wish they were because they are really good.  


Samara from Tiny Fry sent this infographic to me a while back. I read it, loved it and wanted to share it with the AllThingsMomSydney readers because of the valuable content. 


I really love this post and hope you do too. Included in these tools are tools to help your children:


–  develop Grit (I love that word!)

– understand and thrive with discipline

– build character 


Thank you so much Samara for this great post. 

18 Powerful Parenting Tools to Prepare Your Kids for the World


These are 18 great lessons to prepare your child for the world. Each one of which has been researched and is poignant.


With everything we need to teach them, it’s easy to get distracted by everything people expect you to be doing and focusing on.

I’m very interested to hear from you what lessons or skills you are focusing on teaching your kids so please let me know in the comments below.  




18 Powerful Parenting Tools to Prepare Your Kids for the World


I’m so excited to share that Samara has written another awesome post for AllThingsMomSydney on How to Raise Great Kids. I’ll be sharing this with you in the next two weeks. 



Samara Kamenecka is a New York-born freelance writer and translator living in Madrid. When she’s not chained to her computer, she likes to explore the city with her boyfriend, their kids and their dog.


If you can’t wait to read more from Samara you can read more from her at Tiny Fry, and you can also connect with her on Facebook or Twitter.




Before you head anywhere please head over to The Mummy Blog Awards 2017 and vote for AllThingsMomSydney.  It’ll only take you a minute and you won’t be spammed in future 🙂 




For more parenting reads on AllThingsMomSydney click on any of the links below.


Here is a guest post on how one mom manages to balance work and family.


How raising child one changed how I set out to raise the next baby. 


If you’re trying to find the lighter side of parenting then check out frustrations only parents will understand or how to prepare for parenting



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